The second day in Kenya we drove for most of the day. Ellen DH told us that we would be disappointed about the bumpiness of the roads. She tricked us. There was a part where I was thrown into the ceiling of the van. Of course, not everyonewas bothered by bumps. Brian is a sleeping master that would rival Dan Archibald. He slept through the worst part of it. His head was like a bobblehead toy. Don't worry, there's a picture taken by Anne.

During the last couple hours of the ride Callie started to play music out of my extra loud headphones.That in itself is not a big deal but then she started singing along. And for a couple songs I did too. I am pretty sure that everyone was VERY entertained by it. (We sang The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything).
We got to the IU house and introduced ourselves to new people and found out where we were staying. Nothing particularly humorous happened after that. So day 2 is done.
Day 3

Spencer wakes me up at 8 15. We were supposed to leave at 9. I still had to eat breakfast. Luckily we're on Kenya time so I was fine. We went to the hospital and basically did rounds. Not a fun time for me.
After that though we got to play with little kids for about an hour. There was one kid named Charles. I want, no, I need my kids to be like this kid. He spent the majority of the time just looking aloof on his tricycle. But then, Anne let him put on her sunglasses. There was a complete transformation. I don't really know how to describe the smile on his face, but I'll try. It was the look that you give to people who you KNOW you're better than but you still want to impress them. He gave the look a king gives to his subjects. He gave the look that you make when you just aced a test without studying at all. He gave the look that I wish I could give all the time. He only had the look while the glasses were on which made it so much better.

After that we had wonderous chicken for lunch. Then we went to a women's shelter. There were a lot of cute kids that we played with there. There was a kid named Brian who was just fantastic. He jumped into every single picture that anyone would take. A man after my own heart. We came to the house to do some work on it. We cleaned the walls with turpintine and painted them. Turpintine has strong fumes, as does paint. I cleaned the walls and then spent a while painting the top parts of the wall. Oh look, there's a dragon. He's talking to me. I think I should go lay down. He agrees.
Loved your update, Taylor! LOL. Getting ready to lead a VBS class tonight w/ your grandpa. Hope everyone is well.
Emily, I’m glad to see that you have arrived in Kenya. Would have written sooner, but just today I have received the blog from your mom. I hope that everyone is safe and I hope your journey is a pleasant one. Would love to see more pictures of the people and how they live over there. I will have more time to read, this coming Wednesday. Got too many papers to write for school; however, this would make a great paper also. Love, Aunt Leeanna from Indiana, and Uncle Randy
Delaney says, Taylor, I hope you have a good time. I hope you have lots of food there. I hope you give people lots of shots so they won't get sick. I hope you have lots of breakfast there. I hope you have lots of dogs there. I hope Lindsay and Emily have lots of fun. I went to Ohio, and Elizabeth Rose is a toddler. She pushed Alicia her sister away. Alicia let me use her bed, and Elizabeth Rose had a baby bed and changing table and diapers and changing pad. I went to camp. I hope Taylor has lots of lions and animals. And not lots of bad mosquitos.
And from me, great story, Taylor! I love your description of Charles. Can't wait to hear more.
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